Mental Athletic

Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy

Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
Mental Athletic Issue N3 Cover 1 Satisfy
  • Biannual magazine 
  • 26cm x 32cm 
  • 398 pages 

Mental Athletic is a pioneering editorial project and media exalting movement and the aesthetic codes surrounding it. The biannual magazine aims to generate a new language around dynamism by rebuilding the connective tissue between social groups struggling against the contemporary neurosis.

Mental Athletic media
Mental Athletic media
Mental Athletic media
Mental Athletic media
Mental Athletic media

“Regardless of which direction things go, the fundamental need for community—perhaps a response to our screen-dominated lives—will remain a powerful force, providing meaningful human connection at street level.”

Mental Athletic #3 features relevant contributors, brands, athletes and photographers from all over the world, such as Y3 and Tigst Assefa, Jakob Ingrebrigster, Oakley, SATISFY, Eric Elms, Kilian Jornet Foundation, Dakota Jones and many more.