Spiral Pastures 

curated by Mental Athletic for Salomon Running at UTMB Mont-Blanc.

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On Wednesday, August 28th, the performance "Spiral Pastures" by artist Matteo Nasini took place, an evocative sound installation curated by Mental Athletic in collaboration with Campo Base Project for Salomon Running during the UTMB Mont-Blanc event.

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The installation transformed the mountain landscape of Chamonix Mont-Blanc into an immersive and meditative experience. Through field recording sessions, Nasini explored the territory, capturing often overlooked environmental sounds, such as the tinkling of cowbells in the pastures, the melodies of various animal species, the rustling of the wind through the treetops, and the slow flow of water in high-altitude streams.

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These sounds, which usually form the backdrop of our mountain walks, were elevated to the forefront of a natural symphony, spatialized within a natural amphitheater built specifically for the event. The performance offered spectators the opportunity to deeply reconnect with the surrounding environment, immersing them in a nocturnal dimension that transformed the sounds of nature into a hypnotic and dreamlike narrative.

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It was a sensory journey that invited participants to rediscover the beauty and acoustic richness of the mountains, often forgotten or ignored in the frenzy of everyday life. An event that resonated deeply, bringing to light the ancestral bond between humans and the natural world.

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